World AIDS Day 2024

I sometimes think of AIDS as the forgotten pandemic – but it has been very real for many people.  I spend nearly 30 years working for a HIV/AIDS service program. In that time, HIV went from a fatal event to a mostly manageable […] »more

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and Gender Politics

Logogram for time from the movie "Arrival"

    The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that people experience the world based on the structure of their language, and that linguistic categories shape and limit cognitive processes. It proposes that differences in language affect thought, perception, and behavior, so speakers of different languages […] »more

That Time I Accidentally Discovered ASMR

A number of years ago, I stumbled on ASMR quite by accident. It wasn’t until recently that I even knew it had a name.  I was recording ambient conversational sounds for use in my Sound Post installation.  When I was editing the recordings, […] »more

Living in Liminal Space

The photos above were taken on April 24, 2020 as the COVID lockdown was under way.   The world had started to resemble the back rooms. Ever since then, I feel as if I have been living in liminal space. Looking back now, it […] »more

Social Detritus

I discovered this found object installation on a recent hike.  It was set into a stone retaining wall where the trail crossed a road.  I imagine these were found while cleaning up trash along the side of the road.  Placing them in this […] »more


I have been thinking about rebooting this old blog for some time.  A week with a total solar eclipse seems as good a time as any.  I was free the whole day of the eclipse. I could drive only about two hours north-west […] »more