Living in Liminal Space

The photos above were taken on April 24, 2020 as the COVID lockdown was under way.   The world had started to resemble the back rooms. Ever since then, I feel as if I have been living in liminal space. Looking back now, it does feel as if a barrier was crossed and there will be no turning back.   I am just starting to realize how much has been lost and how much has changed.

The stores are restocked again most of the time,  but I still shop late at night.  What I once did to avoid crowds I now do out of habit.  The photo below shows what the typical grocery store around here looks like at 9:00 pm.  Sometimes I can traverse the whole store without running into another person.  The coolers are all dark and I leave a trail of lights as I walk down the empty frozen food isle.  I still feel like we are stuck in limimal space – something has been lost and nothing has replaced it yet.